Sunday 5 May 2013

What are the disadvantages of friendships?

Some disadvantages of friendships include common fights between friends which can lead to having your friends turn against you.

You can be left out by others and be teased, bullied since people are talking about you behind your back without you knowing. You might also be ignored sometimes when there is a problem within the friendship.

In some serious case, there might also be abusive actions. You could be expected to take the blame for every problem. You could be held to higher standards of thinking and behavior by your friend and if you do not meet to these higher standards, you might be accused negatively. When two people in the friendship share different values in certain areas, the other party might act more defensive and hostile, especially when there is strong disagreement.

Friendships are important in everyone's lives. But does it really mean that having friends makes one's life more fun-filled, and not bring in trouble?

Posted by: Zoe

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