Sunday, 5 May 2013

The Importance Of Friendship

Part of us crave to be accepted by society; 
So what then makes up a society? So here's a brief explanation on what a society is and what is it made of.
But first, here is a short cartoon that portrays a part of an image on what friendship is about.

So, you must wondering why I talked about society in the first place.
 A society is made of people coming from a spectrum of different cultures, from various places, attractions, or even dialects that are spoken in the area. It usually revolves around people and their emotional, physical or financial configuration. 
Which leads me to a back to where i left of whereby everyone(friends, family) plays a part in this society. So it is really crucial to find good friends in this society because people in our gruesome society is waiting for the opportunity to chance upon your mistakes and judge you.


Speaking of good friends, one of the most valuable qualities we yearn for in a friend is acceptance.

Being able to accept one another despite the flaws one might bear. Being with your friends indirectly gives you a sense of identity. Thus this is the importance of having non-judgmental friends.
And also from the information adapted from cbsnews. (') The article has also mentioned along side a few other qualities in a friendship and how it affect your daily lives which makes keeping a healthy relationship/friendship with people really important. 

Trust, is also another important quality to any individual, nobody likes getting betrayed. Being able to find good friends whom you trust with your secretsTherein lies the essence of the saying, “No man is an island”
 Having mutual trust amongst each other opens a door to a person’s willingness to share their personal secrets, it is important for you to open up to our friends instead of tucking away our emotions which might lead up to a major conflict in the future. To a certain extent, it might even affect our state of mind.


These qualities in our friends can affect the way we behave or act because sometimes not being able to blend in can cause you to lose them. It affects us mentally, physically, and emotionally. For example, it might negatively cause a mental disorder called depression which in fact many youths have faced or is currently facing it today. Well of course, if there is a for every negative there is a positive.One general positive impact would most definitely be being able lead a happier and healthier life.

Negative emotions which might feel if a friendship turns sour.

James Coan, associate professor of clinical psychology at the University of Virginia said, "One of the big questions that we're interested in, in our lab, is how the brain takes social relationships and translates that into better health outcomes" (adapted from')

 The fact that many professors and professionals have studied the psychology of friend have proven that people with a circle of friends tend to be healthier and live longer. Hence,we should be even more convinced that friendships are indeed important.
Therefore, I not only encourage everyone to embrace your friendships, but employ you to appreciate them for being there with you through the difficult times.

And with that I shall top off my blog entry with this video! 
True Friends:

Reported by: Edlyn

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